Tuesday, July 14, 2009

___Assignment 2___


The company started as small office stationery dealer in 1967. By the grace of God and through its continuous quest for quality and better products to serve its clientele. It has gained the confidence and patronage of its clients. The clientele expanded to what it is today, a big solid majority share in the market.

The company opened its door to the general public in 1995 by opening up a modest yet modern retail outfit. A supermarket-type of stationery store. The concept was overwhelming accepted by the general public.

The retail outlet and network continue to grow and expand. Today, it is a big business outfit housed in a modern complex with all the convenient facilities and amenities.

The GH OFFICE DEPOT carries in its inventory more than 12,000 items of office items to serve its clients. The company keeps on updating and upgrading its list of items to cope up with the current trend in office management. And to serve its clients with the latest and most up-to-date office supplies and equipments.

Buyers, sellers, and others in the energy business need to understand the risks in this very uncertain environment in order to maintain their responsibility to their stakeholders and to protect their bottom line. Organizations can achieve their goals and objectives in this uncertain business environment by developing a comprehensive risk management program.

Every business is vulnerable to a wide array of risks that may or may not be specific to its particular industry, although only some choose to actively acknowledge and address those risks in an attempt to reduce exposure to them. Since the power industry is an inherently risky one, the focus on risk management will only continue to increase as a response. In our business, risks can be identified in virtually all segments of the power supply industry, not just that risk associated with the price of our power or fuels. These segments and can be divided more simply into the three general categories: 1) supply side; 2) demand side; and 3) business-related.

Effective risk management encourages decision-makers to examine their business process across the board to identify the various risks that can affect it, and to begin thinking about how the exposure to these risks can be best mitigated or minimized.

Market Prices
There are aspects of buying or generating power that are always in a state of change. The market prices of fuel and power are good examples of this. The exposure to fuel and power price volatility is the most significant supply-side risk faced by most participants in this market. In the past few years, we have seen tremendous increases in the cost of natural gas, and we’ve seen almost the same in increases in the cost of coal, not to mention the issues of coal transported by rail. The price of fuel is driven by many factors: the balance of supply and demand, industry production capacity, storage levels, market dynamics, as well as others. These factors all contribute to the risk associated with supplying fuel for power plants. Market prices for power are similarly driven by supply and demand, the cost of fuel both today and in the future, and transmission and congestion issues.

Managing the uncertainty of your load is difficult at best, but that does not mean it is impossible. This can be a critical aspect of your business and it is important in helping to achieve your strategic and financial goals.

In order to mitigate the risk of abnormal loads, it is important to try to better understand the forces that can cause high variability. These drivers may include competition, catastrophic events, industrial activity, or technological issues. Some of these areas can be very difficult to predict, making it tougher but not impossible to mitigate such risks in a cost effective manner. Although not always easy, being up to speed in this area is part of risk management planning, including catastrophe plans. You may also be able to exploit the savings from an interruptible product or other demand-side management program where appropriate. For market participants that are subject to weather extremes, there are opportunities available to hedge weather risk through the use of financial hedges that are designed to help protest against this risk.

Every business needs to borrow money at some point in time, especially if you are on the supply side of this business. Regardless of the purpose, you will desire to obtain financing under the most favorable terms and conditions possible. This is often hard to ensure, particularly because of the fluctuation in interest rates and the demands on the market for money. It is impossible to know whether rates will get better or worse in the future, so a balanced, diversified portfolio of borrowing instruments often produces the most favorable results over time. Furthermore, due to the recent uncertainty in the energy industry, lending institutions are becoming more selective of which entities they lend money. Lenders are now performing more rigorous risk analyses on a borrower\'s financial condition to determine the long-term viability of the borrower or project and the ability to meet debt service payments. Equity requirements and debt covenants are also becoming far more stringent than they have been in years past. Basically, they’re doing their own risk management.

Once the decision to obtain financing has been made, it is important to conduct \"what if\" scenarios to study what the impact of unexpected events could have on your business, as well as to understand if your business has the potential for financial distress. Ultimately, maintaining strong financials through proper rate structure and strong liquidity and equity levels are essential to ensuring the availability of low-cost financing for your organization in the future.

The makeup of an organization can arguably be the most important factor in successfully operating a business. Integrating and processing all of the various operational inputs from your business to formulate a reliable and cost-effective power supply portfolio is more than a challenge. Human capital and the aging of the experienced work force is a topic much discussed today. By taking a systematic approach to your business operations through better understanding the drivers that cause change in your business, and through the corresponding implementation of a comprehensive risk management strategy, managers can take fundamental actions that can help mitigate more effectively the risks associated with their business and have less exposure to management and people issues. Turn in the human capital can be offset by having a well developed process that can be somewhat immune from having to rely on institutional knowledge of seasoned managers. Additionally, creating management policies and controls that administer and measure your organization\'s performance can be advantageous to the ongoing success of your business.

For me, for GH Depot instead of the risk, they are now upgrading to a new system. From dos to windows vista as what their IT personnel said. Risks will happen if it happens that they will be using manually all their task but as of now, technology is a greater help to a certain company or organization especially GH Depot were they have their own website just like the other company in order for their costumers to get updated in their products.



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